What You Need to Know: Squatting with the feet straight forward requires more mobility, but it is NOT the most effective foot placement for squats for most individuals. During the squat, the entire lower extremity, including the thigh, lower leg, and foot should be in a straight line to optimize loading potential. The squat involves moving the barbell in a linear path. Attempting to willfully externally rotate the hip or shove the knees out beyond the line of the foot to create torque during the movement complicates the lift and wastes energy, leaving pounds on the platform . The optimal squat foot placement will vary depending on the individual’s stance width, hip anatomy, and lift variation. The vast majority of professional squatters, both powerlifters and Olympic athletes, squat with SOME degree of toe out. Why shouldn’t you? Optimal foot placement for squats is imperative, as it serves as a vital base of stability. However, it seems as if there ar...